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Simultaneity of interior \ exterior

Paper title:
Simultaneity of interior \ exterior: spatial ambiguity and representation complexities. A conceptual exploration through Alberto Campo Baeza's architecture

The paper renders an inquiry into the simultaneity of interior \ exterior as it is manifested in paintings, architectural representations, and the experience of space. In the paper I explore the issues and themes related to the simultaneous condition of interior \ exterior. I research the question through examination of historical precedents and a contemporary case-study that embodies both spatial conditions and representational propositions.
Interior and exterior exist in simultaneity and in relation to each other. Both can be understood as dependent on the other in order to exist, and be experienced. But their representation as simultaneous condition is not readily available or obvious. The opposing spatial conditions of interior \ exterior portray ambiguous propositions when represented simultaneously. This difficulty is not only geometrical and technological but also conceptual and theoretical. Existing representation attempts suggest spatial ambiguity which has been a focal point of large and varied body of work. An exemplary selection of paintings, architectural representations, and architectural spaces are analyzed, portraying the complexity of interior and exterior as a simultaneous condition.
The paper identifies these issues within the contemporary architectural works of Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza. A critical evaluation of the spaces designed by Baeza examines his interpretation to confronting the simultaneous condition of interior \ exterior. The research focuses both on their spatial suggestions and the representation techniques used for their conceptualization. This evaluation is done in relation to issues explored in the first part of the paper and exposes the vitality and originality of Baeza's work. The summation of the spatial ambiguities and representation complexities explored lead to some questions as to the relevance and possibilities of continuous research into simultaneous condition of interior \ exterior.

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